Fantastic Flash Fiction is now available on all major online bookstores such as Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play and Smashwords as well as Amazon. https://books2read.com/u/49Npx8
Fantastic Flash Fiction is my second collection of short stories. They are all flash fiction and (mostly) fantastical and come in a variety of lengths.
They range from six word stories, ten word stories and “twiterature”, stories of up to 280 characters. And from drabbles (100 word stories) to stories up to 1,500 words. The collection is arranged in order of length.
The “twiterature” stories are fantasy, horror and science fiction as are the drabbles. There are a few fairy tales and retellings of classics thrown in.
The three longest stories are science fiction. The two longest are alternate versions of fairy tales. One, “Red and the Alien Wolf” is an science fiction version of Red Riding Hood (surprise!) and the longest one, “Snow and the Alien Queen” is (you’ve guessed it!) an science fiction alternate version of Snow White.
There is some argument about the length criteria for flash fiction but it’s normally up to 1,000 or 1,500. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_fiction A popular form of flash fiction is the ‘drabble’, 100 word stories that originated with UK science fiction fandom in the 1980s according to Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drabble I have lots of drabbles in my collection.

It was originally called Dribs and Drabbles but I received some feedback that I was trying to be too clever by playing on the phrase “dribs and drabbles”. Not everyone knows that a “drabble” is 100 words long. Plus the original cover didn’t suggest fantasy to people. So, I went back to the drawing board. I hope you agree that the new cover with the new title at the top of the page is a big improvement.